"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

SSL Certificates with the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm.

The security environment is always showing signs of change as programmers turn out to be more sophisticated and your clients progressively go after portable or tablet gadgets to do exchanges on the web. Staying aware of the advancements in malware and continuing to give a safe and dependable experience for your clients is fundamental.

As a pioneer in SSL security, Symantec is continually dealing with new arrangements that help your business to envision and meet expanding security requests, and give a protected domain to your clients. Outfitting the most recent innovation, Symantec SSL accreditation with ECC is a simple route for your business to deliver the looming move to 2048-piece encryption and advantage from the blast in cell phone and tablet use. ECC is a U.S. government-affirmed and National Security Agency-supported encryption technique that offers your business improved security and preferable execution over current encryption.

Better Performance, Stronger Security with the ECC Algorithm

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) makes encryption keys in view of utilizing focuses on a bend to characterize the general population/private key pair. It is hard to break utilizing the beast power routines regularly utilized by programmers and offers a quicker arrangement with less registering power than RSA-based encryption.

Key Benefits of ECC

  • Improved execution — ECC requires a shorter key length to give a prevalent level of security, For occurrence, a 256-piece ECC key gives the same level of assurance as a3072-bit RSA key. The outcome? You get the security you require without yielding execution.
  • Protected investment — ECC ensures your framework speculation by giving expanded security that can deal with the blast in cell phone associations. ECC key lengths increment at a slower rate than other encryption system keys, conceivably augmenting the life of your current equipment and giving you a more noteworthy profit for your speculation.
  • Advantage for mobile — ECC’s lesser key length implies littler declarations that devour less data transmission. As a greater amount of your clients move to littler gadgets for their online exchanges, ECC offers a superior client.
  • Advanced security — ECC gives more grounded assurance against assaults than cur­rent encryption systems. The ECC calculation depends on a scientific issue that is more troublesome for programmers to assault than the present encryption, making your sites and foundation more secure than with customary techniques.

We realize that staying aware of security necessities, consistence and dangers can be troublesome, and that is the reason Symantec makes arrangements that will make ensuring your business less demanding.

Symantec’s ECC roots have been accessible in the main three programs subsequent to 2007, so Symantec’s ECC declarations will work in your current base the length of present day programs are utilized.

Why Adwebtech ?

Adwebtech, with presence all cross India. Adwebtech offers committed solutions with high quality principals, ensuring quality integration, consulting with world class support. Adwebtech represent besides Symantec, Vasco, Qualys and other IT brands to promote these technologies. You additionally get the Norton Secured Seal and Symantec Seal-in-Search to guarantee clients that they are protected when they seek, scan or purchase on your sites. Symantec SSL Certificates secure more than one million web servers around the world.

How to get SSL Certificates with ECC from Adwebtech  

Symantec Premium SSL Certificates, Secure Site Pro and Secure Site Pro with EV, now give you the choice of utilizing the high security ECC calculation (included free) to convey more grounded security than standard encryption systems while enhancing execution.

Visit: ssl.adwebtech.com or call : (+9122) 42978084


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