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Single Sign-On

AdwebTech provides Secure, Easy-to-use, and Flexible SSO – Single Sign-On service. We make it easy for you to focus on growing your business, not managing passwords. Other than that our work and customer review speaks more about us to believe and start working with us.


What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single sign-on (SSO)is a user authentication process that allows a user to enter a one-time name and password to access various applications. The procedure validates the user for every one of the applications they have rights to and bypass further prompts when they switch applications during a specific session.

Single sign-on likewise makes the validation frameworks profoundly basic; a loss of their accessibility can bring about disavowal of access to all frameworks bound together under the SSO. SSO can be designed with session come up short over capacities keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the framework operation. Nonetheless, the danger of framework disappointment may make single sign-on undesirable for frameworks to which get to must be ensured at all times, for example, security or plant-floor frameworks.


  • Decreasing password weakness from distinctive user name and secret word blends
  • Decreasing time spent re-entering passwords for the same personality
  • Lessening IT costs because of the lower number of IT help work area calls about passwords

Enterprise Single Sign-On

Enterprise Single Sign-on empowers your association to streamline both end-client administration and undertaking wide organization of single sign-on (SSO). It bases application and framework client logins on your current Active Directory personalities, so there's no base for you to oversee.

Enterprise Single Sign-On (E-SSO) frameworks comprise of custom programming and a local database or catalog used to consequently sort a client's certifications into application login prompts. Clients sign into the E-SSO customer, which verifies them against a focal catalog or other foundation (e.g., brilliant cards or equipment tokens).


  • Permits you to apply comparative controls to customer based single sign-on for the whole undertaking an extensive variety of uses and frameworks to which a client may need access utilizing set up access approaches and Active Directory rules.
  • Builds your efficiency and wipes out the requirement for your IT staff to oversee client get to and reset passwords over an extensive variety of utilization in light of the fact that there's no compelling reason to recollect passwords for various frameworks and applications.
  • Accomplish normal agreeability necessities for access control, solid confirmation and secure assignment of access rights by executing a steady, solid, Active Directory-based foundation for access arrangement requirement.
  • Permits you to effortlessly adjust applications to your one of a kind domain, without obliging alteration or custom connectors.
  • Empowers you to deal with your own system password resets by noting mystery questions, either through a Web interface or by means of a Windows login interface.

Web Single Sign-On

Web Single Sign-On (Web SSO) frameworks comprise of an operators introduced on web servers, and a focal base that incorporates a Directory and servers or rationale to oversee Authentication and Access Control.

At the point when Users endeavor to Access a Web SSO - empowered web server or web application, the Web SSO operators diverts the client's web program to an Authentication Server, where the client signs in. The web program is then diverted back to the asked for a web application, and the User can Access the application or web content.

At the point when an officially confirmed client gets to another web application, the operators on the web application recovers the client's accepted Credentials, along these lines wiping out any requirement for the client to sign on once more.

Web SSO frameworks additionally join Access Control systems, where either the specialists introduced on every web server, or the web applications themselves (utilizing an API), may check whether a User is qualified for Access information or capacities.

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