"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"


Are you safeguarded against Ransomware?

On Friday May 12, 2017 saw one of the largest global Ransomware attacks in the internet history. In two days, the attack had left over 125,000 computers across 104 countries useless. Public utilities in Spain and England’s National Health Services (NHS) had to shut down operations. Ransomware, is often transmitted by email or web pop-ups, […]

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Why is Ransomware a dangerous form of cyber threat?

Rаnѕоmwаrе Trоjаnѕ аrе a tуре оf cyber ware thаt іѕ dеѕіgnеd tо еxtоrt money from a vісtіm. Oftеn, Rаnѕоmwаrе wіll dеmаnd a рауmеnt іn order tо undo changes thаt thе Trojan vіruѕ hаѕ mаdе tо the victim’s computer. Thеѕе сhаngеѕ саn іnсludе: 1 Encrypting data thаt is ѕtоrеd on thе victim’s dіѕk – ѕо thе […]

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Website owners and people involved in the web often ask why SSL certificate is necessary for them. The best way to provide an answer to this question is seen when making a purchase online while caution needs to be exercised. It is easy to insert your credit card into an automated transfer machine, but one […]

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The ascent of the data society has given an abundance cyber-security chances for the associations to upgrade administrations to clients through new channels. These have spared time, cash and exertion from an operational viewpoint. Be that as it may, on the inverse end, cyber-criminals are finding better approaches to adventure shortcomings and attempting to grow […]

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Ever since the Constitution Amendment 101st Bill was passed in the parliament (on the 8 August 2016), businesses and consumers have been talking about the ramifications of Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST is a refurbishment of the existing tax system to make it more simplified. The existing system of levying an excise duty, value-added […]

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SSL certificates validity period to change.

Recently CAB forum reduced the maximum duration of the SSL certificates from 3 years to 2 years+ (27 months) keeping in mind the inherent security and logistics issues. Let us consider the new scenario for each type of certificates, as practices/equipment require to replace certificates are infrequently as possible, so you want to use 3-year […]

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SSL Certificates with the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm.

The security environment is always showing signs of change as programmers turn out to be more sophisticated and your clients progressively go after portable or tablet gadgets to do exchanges on the web. Staying aware of the advancements in malware and continuing to give a safe and dependable experience for your clients is fundamental. As […]

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How SSL Certificate Works With Your Website.

SSL Certificate aren’t just for internet commerce web sites – if you’re more dedicated concerning this, nearly all web page offers some kind of discussion or maybe facts exchange along with visitors. It is get in touch with kinds, social connections as well as weblog remarks, sign in specifics with an on the net application […]

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SSL Certificate Details and Extensions

The following fields are attributes that may be included in the SSL Certificate details. Version Serial Number Signature Algorithm Issuer Valid From and Valid To Subject Public Key Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Basic Constraints Subject Key Identifier (SKI) Key Usage CRL Distribution Points Certificate Policies Extended Key Usage (EKU) Authority Key Identifier (AKI) Authority Info […]

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SHA1-Deprecation for SSL & Code Signing Certificate

Mozilla was forced to backpedal on banning new SHA-1 digital certificates because the move completely cut off some Firefox users from the encrypted Web. It appears that Google saw the problem coming. Instead of banning all digital certificates signed with SHA-1 and issued after Jan 1, Google plans to only “untrust” those that originate from […]

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