"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

Phishing and Spoofing – Your Guide to Protect Against Them

Phishing and Spoofing – Your Guide to Protect Against Them

The latest Phishing and Spoofing scam took away far more than just PayPal login credentials. Understand the Phishing and Spoofing to secure yourself and your organization from such scams. Also, know how the latest PayPal phishing attack took place. ‘Phishing’ is an attempt by fraudsters to ‘fish’ for your personal/financial / investment details via email. […]

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DoH – Understand DNS over HTTPS & Its Future

Major Web browsers like Microsoft, Google and Mozilla are increasingly pushing for DNS over HTTPS (DoH). This technology improves the online privacy and security. What is DNS over HTTPS (DoH) Basically, DNS over HTTPS is an extra layer over DNS for privacy and security. Presently we find that some of the modern web browsers are […]

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Top 5 Key uses of ESignatures for banks

A walk-in “bank transaction” is far from our consciousness, people barely recall doing a bank transaction, because Digital transformation has moved transactions from traditional to smartphones, ATM’s and online. This type of financial convenience has already enhanced customers expenses. users Day to Day life has adopted online transactions and authorization with just a click of a […]

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Sectigo IoT: Sectigo Acquires Icon Labs

    Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA), the world’s largest commercial SSL Certificate Authority (CA) and a leader in web security solutions, has acquired Icon Labs. They are provider of cross-platform security solutions for embedded OEMs and Internet of Things (IoT) device manufacturers. It is a big move with a large trend – as Certificate Authority […]

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Every business (whether small or big) produces tonnes of documents like sales invoices, business contracts, purchase notes, credit notes etc. These documents do require the signature of the respective signatory. This guide is designed to give you complete information about how document signing software can ease the process of document signing. Every signatory, on average, […]

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IRDAI Guidelines on Cyber Security.

The suggestions/framework designed by the two groups were presented before IRDAI in January 2017 which then compiled into Cyber-security guidelines by IRDAI on April 7, 2017. Given are the few key highlights

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Risks of a Free SSL Certificate.

A commercial website needs to be trusted by a visitor, as it involves Financial Security, read the risks and disadvantages of using a free SSL Certificate Vis-a-vis paid SSL Certificate.

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HTTPS for website is the ideal way to serve your requirement. HTTP is the now 20-year-old protocol on which the world wide web was built. HTTP stands for “hypertext transfer protocol” and offers a method of data communication for the Internet. The problem with HTTP connections is that they are unsecured. This means that any […]

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The ascent of the data society has given an abundance cyber-security chances for the associations to upgrade administrations to clients through new channels. These have spared time, cash and exertion from an operational viewpoint. Be that as it may, on the inverse end, cyber-criminals are finding better approaches to adventure shortcomings and attempting to grow […]

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Ever since the Constitution Amendment 101st Bill was passed in the parliament (on the 8 August 2016), businesses and consumers have been talking about the ramifications of Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST is a refurbishment of the existing tax system to make it more simplified. The existing system of levying an excise duty, value-added […]

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