"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

MFA – Strong Authentication

Strong, frictionless authentication with invisible security

We provide a wide range of strong, frictionless authentication solutions and invisible security capabilities to achieve your critical business goals.


Multi-Factor Authentication Solution Features

  • Available with support for RADIUS, SEAL, SOAP
  • RADIUS fits seamlessly into ANY RADIUS environment
  • SEAL allows easy integration with Citrix, ADFS, RDW, OWA and DAWL
  • SOAP provides SDK for integration with any web applications
  • Support all DIGIPASS models and functions (RO, CR, SG)
  • Support Database encryption and integrity
  • Available on Windows and Linux OS
  • Available in Virtual Appliance
  • Design for PCI-DSS
  • Design for GDPR (“Right to Access”, “Right to Erase”, “Right to Encrypt”)

Authentication Server


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