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Safeguarding Your Code: Protecting Against Supply Chain Exploits

The Hidden Threat to Your Software: How to Keep Your Code Safe from Supply Chain Exploits

Beware of Lurking Threats in New Software:

Did you know that according to a study by Gartner reported in Cybersecurity Drive, new software contains a big chunk, around 40% to 80%, of code from third-party sources? These include various components like libraries and software development kits. So, not only do you have to worry about the safety of your own code, but you also face unknown dangers from the third-party code. On top of that, companies are under pressure to release software quickly, which leaves little time to ensure complete security.

To give users some assurance, you can sign your software with a Code signing certificate. This shows that the product is legitimate and hasn’t been tampered with. However, code signing alone doesn’t guarantee complete security. Users trust your software based on their trust in you as the publisher. So, building and maintaining that trust is crucial, and it takes more than just code signing.

Adapt to Ever-Changing Vulnerabilities!

In just one quarter of 2023, a whopping 7,153 new Common Threats and Vulnerabilities (CVE) were discovered in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). These vulnerabilities can seriously threaten our software and systems.

But here’s the catch – hackers are clever and relentless. They don’t just go after the latest vulnerabilities; they target older vulnerabilities that haven’t been fixed yet, making our systems even more vulnerable.

With threats growing rapidly, the real challenge is to keep up! We must stay informed about the latest threats, understand the risks they pose, and decide whether to fix them or accept the potential consequences of leaving them unaddressed. It’s like being in a constant battle to stay ahead of the attackers and protect your software from potential harm.

A Smart Solution to Threat Management

Being the platinum elite partner of DigiCert, we are proud to offer a robust solution to tackle diverse security challenges called DigiCert® Software Trust Manager. This comprehensive tool is designed to enhance the security of your software. And that’s not all! DigiCert has taken things to the next level by teaming up with ReversingLabs, a renowned software supply chain security company, to introduce the groundbreaking feature called Threat Detection.

With Threat Detection, you can identify vulnerabilities in your own developers’ code and any third-party components that are integrated into your software. It’s like having a security expert right by your side, making sure you’re protected from every angle.


Once the software scan is completed, an automated tool generates two important reports: SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format). These reports are created by analyzing the software’s binary to identify all the third-party, open-source, and internally developed dependencies.

The importance of the SBOM report is underscored by the U.S. Executive Order 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, published on May 12, 2021. This order mandates that all software used in federal systems must be accompanied by an SBOM. Although this mandate may not directly apply to everyone, including an SBOM along with your software is considered a best practice for building trust with users through transparency.

Decoding the Secrets of CVEs:

CVEs are like clues that help us spot vulnerabilities in software. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) acts as our trusty detective, providing a list of these vulnerabilities. But here’s the thing – relying only on CVEs for security has its limitations. To create a CVE, someone must report a vulnerability, and then it goes through a process of verification and assigning a CVE ID. This whole process causes delays, leaving us vulnerable to attacks before we even know what’s happening.


Furthermore, the severity score provided by the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) may not always fully represent the potential impact of a successful exploit. A classic example of this is the Heartbleed vulnerability, which was initially assigned a moderate CVSS score of 5 out of 10. However, this vulnerability allowed attackers to steal private keys, leading to significant security breaches.


To address these limitations, DigiCert Software Trust Manager comes to the rescue! DigiCert Software Trust Manager is here to help! It breaks down the factors behind CVE scores and provides supporting documentation to assess the risks better. And that’s not all, DigiCert Software Trust Manager also double-checks your software against a list of deployment risks from ReversingLabs. This extended analysis hunts down malware, secret info, and even IP addresses hiding in your source code.


Safeguarding Your Critical Assets

To protect your organization, figure out which software components are the most crucial for your reputation. Consider your organization’s goals, priorities, and how it operates. For instance, if you follow privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, or HIPAA, safeguarding data confidentiality, integrity, and availability should be a top priority.”

Take Charge of Your Software’s Security

With DigiCert Software Trust Manager, managing vulnerabilities is a breeze! Its user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) displays threat detection reports, revealing the components in your software that may have risks or vulnerabilities. You’ll get a full breakdown, complete with descriptions and solutions from Digicert trusted partner, ReversingLabs.

The best part? The reports neatly categorize vulnerabilities and risks based on their severity and impact. This way, you can make smart decisions: either release the software or prioritize fixing vulnerabilities. Plus, you’ll be tackling the most critical issues first to protect your vital assets. By tackling critical vulnerabilities, you’ll protect yourself and your users from any sneaky cyber attacks. And that’s not all! Resolving non-critical flaws will boost your software’s stability and enhance user experience.

DigiCert Software Trust Manager is designed to safeguard your reputation, enhance your software’s quality, and protect you and your customers from the consequences of exploited vulnerabilities. So, why wait? Take charge of your software’s security with DigiCert Software Trust Manager today!

Keep Your Customer’s Trust Intact!

When it comes to your software, trust is everything! To keep your customers happy and confident, follow these essential steps before releasing your software:

  1. Scan for Vulnerabilities: Conduct a thorough scan of your software to identify any vulnerabilities and deployment risks.
  2. Prioritize Fixes: Focus on resolving vulnerabilities and deployment risks that could have the most significant impact on your critical assets before releasing the software.
  3. Boost Transparency: Demonstrate transparency by including the SBOM or SARIF report with your software to show that critical vulnerabilities are absent.
  4. Sign and Timestamp: Reinforce trust by signing and timestamping your software. This allows end users to verify if the software has been tampered with after signing.

By taking these precautions, you’ll earn your customers’ trust and keep their confidence in your software. Rest easy knowing your software is secure and reliable!

Reach out to Adwebtech support for a demo or refer to their documentation to learn more about Threat Detection.

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